42 University of Dayton Law Review 359 (2017)

Neal E. Devins

Neal E. Devins

Sandra Solar day O'Connor Professor of Law and Professor of Authorities

Degrees: J.D., Vanderbilt University; A.B., Georgetown University
Email: [[nedevi]]
Part telephone: (757) 221-3845
Office location: Room 254C
Full resume: here (.pdf in new window)

Areas of Specialization

Civil Rights Police; Law and Politics; Constitutional Police

Representative Professional person Activities and Achievements

Joined the faculty in 1987. Served as Assistant General Counsel for the U. South. Commission on Ceremonious Rights and Projection Director for the Vanderbilt Institute for Public Policy Studies.

Writer of Shaping Constitutional Values: The Supreme Courtroom, Elected Government and the Abortion Dispute and articles in the Chicago, Columbia, Stanford, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Virginia, California, William and Mary and Yale police reviews. Co-author of Political Dynamics of Constitutional Law, The Democratic Constitution, and The Company They Keep: How Partisan Divisions Came to the Supreme Court. Editor of the volume series, Constitutional Conflicts, published past Duke U. Press.

For additional recent press interviews, click here

Scholarly Publications
  • Political Dynamics of Ramble Law (West Pub. Co. 6th ed. 2019 ) (with Louis Fisher) (5th ed. 2011, 320 pp.; fourth ed. 2006, 320 pp.; 3d ed. 2001, 325 pp.; 2d ed. 1996, 316 pp.).
  • The Company They Keep: How Partisan Divisions Came to the Supreme Courtroom (Oxford U. Printing 2019) (with Lawrence Baum).
  • The Democratic Constitution (2d ed. 2015 ) (with Louis Fisher).
  • Congress and the Constitution (Neal Devins, Keith Whittington eds., Constitutional Conflicts Series, Duke U. Press 2005) (contributor).
  • A Year at the Supreme Court (Neal Devins, Davison Douglas eds., Constitutional Conflicts Series, Duke U. Press 2004) (correspondent).
  • The Democratic Constitution (Oxford U. Printing 2004) (with Louis Fisher).
  • Government Lawyering (Neal Devins ed., 61 Law & Contemp. Probs., Vols. 1 & two 1998) (contributor).
  • Redefining Equality (Neal Devins, Davison Douglas eds., Oxford U. Press 1998) (contributor).
  • Shaping Ramble Values: The Supreme Court, Elected Government, and the Abortion Dispute (Interpreting American Politics Series, John Hopkins U. Press 1996).
  • Federal Abortion Politics: A Documentary History (Neal Devins, Wendy Watson eds., Garland Publ'chiliad 1995).
  • Elected Co-operative Influences in Constitutional Decisionmaking (Neal Devins ed., Constabulary & Contemp. Prob., Autumn 1993) (contributor).
  • Political Dynamics of Ramble Police force (Due west Pub. Co. 1992) (with Louis Fisher).
  • Public Values, Private Schools (Neal Devins ed., Stanford Series on Education & Public Policy, Falmer Printing 1989) (contributor).
Articles and Book Chapters
  • Circuit Personalities, 108 Va. Fifty. Rev. ___ (forthcoming) (with Allison O. Larsen).
  • Weaponizing En Banc, 96 NYU L. Rev. 1373 (2021) (with Allison Orr Larsen). SSRN.
  • State Constitutionalism in the Age of Party Polarization, 71 Rutgers L. Rev. 1129 (2019) (Williams Lecture). SSRN.
  • Congress, the Courts, and Political party Polarization, 21 Chapman L. Rev. 55 (2018) (symposium).
  • The Vanishing Common Law Judge, 165 U. Penn. L. Rev. 595 (2017) (with David Klein). SSRN.
  • Split Definitive: How Party Polarization Turned the Supreme Court Into a Partisan Court, 2016 Supreme Ct. Rev. 301 (2017) (with Lawrence Baum). SSRN.
  • Why Congress Does Not Challenge Judicial Supremacy, 57 Wm. & Mary L. Rev. 1495 (symposium). SSRN.
  • Rethinking Judicial Minimalism, 69 Vand. 50. Rev. 935 (2016) (symposium). SSRN.
  • The Amicus Auto, 102 Va. L. Rev. 1901 (2016) (with Allison Orr Larsen). SSRN.
  • 'Ideology' or 'Situation Sense'? An Experimental Investigation of Motivated Reasoning and Professional Judgment, 164 U. Pa. L. Rev. 349 (2016) (with Dan Kahan et al.). SSRN.
  • l States, 50 Attorneys General, and fifty Approaches to the Duty to Defend, 124 Yale L.J. 2100 (2015) (with Saikrishna B. Prakash). SSRN.
  • Measuring Party Polarization in Congress: Lesson from Congressional Participation as Amicus Curiae, 65 Case West. L. Rev. 933 (2015) (symposium commodity).
  • The Constitutional Politics of Congress, in Oxford Handbook on the Constitution of the United States (2015) (M. Graber et al. eds. 2015).
  • Congress's (Limited) Power to Correspond Itself in Court, 99 Cornell Fifty. Rev. 571 (2014) (with Tara Leigh Grove) (symposium). SSRN.
  • Group Formation and Precedent, in Precedent on the Us Supreme Court (C.J. Peters ed., Springer 2014).
  • Dicta, Schmicta: Theory Versus Practice in Lower Courtroom Decision-Making, 54 Wm. & Mary L. Rev. 2021 (2013) (with David Klein). SSRN.
  • Reverse Advisory Opinions, 80 U. Chi. L. Rev. 859 (2013) (with Saikrishna Prakash) (essay). SSRN.
  • Political party Polarization and Judicial Review: Lessons from the Affordable Care Act, 106 Nw. U. L. Rev. 1821 (2012).
  • The Indefensible Duty to Defend, 112 Colum. L. Rev. 507 (2012) (with Saikrisha Prakash). SSRN.
  • Why Congress Did Not Recollect About the Constitution When Enacting the Affordable Health Care Act, 106 Nw. U. L. Rev. Colloquy 261 (2012).
  • Congress and Judicial Supremacy, in The Politics of Judicial Independence: Courts, Politics, and the Public (Bruce Peabody ed., Johns Hopkins U. Printing 2011).
  • Do Judicial Elections Facilitate Popular Constitutionalism; Tin They?, 111 Colum. L. Rev. Sidebar 27 (2011) (with Nicole Mansker).
  • Political party Polarization and Congressional Committee Consideration of Constitutional Questions, 105 Nw. U. L. Rev. 737 (2011) (symposium article).
  • Public Opinion and State Supreme Courts , 13 U. Pa. J. Const. L. 455 (2011) (with Nicole Mansker) (symposium).
  • How State Supreme Courts Take Consequences Into Account: Towards a State-Centered Agreement of Country Constitutionalism, 62 Stan. L. Rev. 1629 (2010) (symposium article).
  • Same Sex Union and the New Judicial Federalism: Why State Courts Should Non Consider Out-of-Country Backlash, in New Frontiers of State Constitutional Police: Dual Enforcement of Ramble Norms (James Gardner & Jim Rossi eds., Oxford U. Press 2010).
  • Talk Loudly and Carry a Small Stick: The Supreme Court and Enemy Combatants, 12 U. Pa. J. Const. 50. 491 (2010) (symposium article).
  • The Supreme Court, Social Psychology, and Grouping Formation, in The Psychology of Judicial Decision Making (David Klein & Greg Mitchell eds., Oxford U. Press 2010) (with Will Federspiel).
  • Why the Supreme Court Cares about Elites, Not the American People, 98 Geo. L.J. 1515 (2010) (with Lawrence Baum).
  • How Planned Parenthood v. Casey (Pretty Much) Settled the Abortion Wars, 118 Yale 50.J. 1318 (2009) (symposium commodity).
  • Presidential Unilateralism and Political Polarization, 45 Willamette L. Rev. 395 (2009) (symposium article).
  • The More Things Change, 12 Green Handbag 137 (2009).
  • Ideological Cohesion and Precedent, 86 N.C. L. Rev. 1399 (2008) (symposium article).
  • Non-So-Independent Agencies, 88 B.U. L. Rev. 459 (2008) (with David Lewis) (symposium article).
  • Tin Nosotros Make the Constitution More than Democratic?, 55 Drake L. Rev. 971 (2007) (with Ilya Somin) (symposium commodity).
  • Congress, the Supreme Courtroom, and Enemy Combatants: How Lawmakers Buoyed Judicial Supremacy by Placing Limits on Federal Court Jurisdiction, 91 Minn. L. Rev. 1562 (2007) (symposium article).
  • Ramble Avoidance and the Roberts Courtroom, 32 U. Dayton Fifty. Rev. 339 (2007) (symposium article).
  • How Congress Paved the Style for the Rhenquist Court's Federalism Revival: Lessons from the Federal Partial Birth Abortion Ban, 21 St. John's J. Legal Comment. 461 (2007) (symposium article).
  • Law Review Article Placement: Benefit or Beauty Prize, 56 J. Legal Educ. 374 (2007) (with Dennis Callahan).
  • Politique partisane et indépendance judiciare, 7 Politique Américaine 103 (2007) (symposium commodity).
  • Signing Statements and Divided Government, sixteen Wm. & Mary Bill Rts. J. 63 (2007) (symposium commodity).
  • The D'Oh! of Popular Constitutionalism, 105 Mich. L. Rev. 1333 (2007) (reviewing Jeffrey Rosen, The Most Autonomous Branch: How the Courts Serve America (2006)) (book review).
  • Should the Supreme Courtroom Fearfulness Congress?, 90 Minn. L. Rev. 1337 (2006) (symposium article).
  • Smoke, Not Fire, 65 Md. 50. Rev. 197 (2006) (symposium article).
  • The Constitution and Congressional Committees, 1971-2000, in The Least Examined Branch: The Function of Legislatures and Constitutionalism (Richard W. Bauman & Tsvi Kahana eds., Cambridge U. Printing 2006) (with Keith Whittington & Hutch Hicken).
  • Tom Delay: Popular Constitutionalist?, 81 Chi.-Kent Fifty. Rev. 1055 (2006) (symposium article).
  • Alexander Bickel and the New Judicial Minimalism, in The Judiciary and American Democracy (Ken Ward ed., SUNY Press 2005) (with Christopher J. Peters).
  • Congressional Factfinding and the Scope of Judicial Review, in Congress and the Constitution (Neal Devins & Kevin Whittington eds., Constitutional Conflicts Series, Duke U. Press 2005).
  • Judicial Review and Nongeneralizable Cases, 32 Fla. St. U. L. Rev. 323 (2005) (with Alan Meese) (symposium article).
  • Substantive Due Process, Public Opinion, and the Right to Dice, in The Rehnquist Legacy (C. Bradley ed., Cambridge U. Printing 2005).
  • The Bookish Expert Before Congress: Observations and Lessons from Nib Van Alstyne'southward Testimony, 54 Duke 50.J. 1525 (2005) (symposium article).
  • Better Lucky Than Good, 8 Dark-green Pocketbook 33 (2004).
  • Bring Dorsum the Draft?, xix Ga. St. U. Fifty. Rev. 1107 (2004) (symposium article).
  • Is Judicial Policy-Making Countermajoritarian?, in Making Policy, Making Constabulary: An Interbranch Perspective 189 (Marking Miller & Jeb Barnes eds., Georgetown U. Press 2004).
  • The Judicial Safeguards of Federalism, 99 Nw. U. Fifty. Rev. 131 (2004) (symposium article).
  • The Majoritarian Rehnquist Court?, 67 Law & Contemp. Probs. 63 (2004) (symposium article).
  • Congress and the Making of the 2d Rehnquist Court, 47 St. Louis U. L.J. 773 (2003) (symposium article).
  • Congress, Ceremonious Liberties, and the War on Terrorism, 11 Wm. & Mary Bill Rts. J. 1139 (2003) (essay).
  • Executive Privilege and Congressional and Contained Investigations, in Separation of Powers: Documents and Commentary (Katy Haringer ed., C.Q. Press 2003).
  • Explaining Grutter v. Bollinger, 152 U. Pa. L. Rev. 347 (2003).
  • Politics and Principle: An Alternative Take on Seth. P. Waxman'south Defending Congress, 81 N.C. L. Rev. 2061 (2003) (reply).
  • The Uneasy Case for Department of Justice Control of Authorities Litigation, 5 U. Pa. J. Const. L. 558 (2003) (with Michael Herz) (symposium article).
  • The Police: Defending Congress'due south Interests in Court: How Lawmakers and the President Bargain Over Department of Justice Representation, 32 Pres. Stud. Q. 157 (2002).
  • Government Lawyering, in Oxford Companion to American Constabulary (Kermit Hall ed., Oxford U. Press 2002).
  • Misunderstood, 82 B.U. L. Rev. 293 (2002) (respond) (symposium article).
  • The Federalism-Rights Nexus: Explaining Why Senate Democrats Can Tolerate Rehnquist Courtroom Decisionmaking But Not the Rehnquist Court, 73 U. Colo. L. Rev. 1307 (2002) (symposium article).
  • The Steel Seizure Case: I of a Kind?, 19 Const. Comment. 63 (2002) (with Louis Fisher) (symposium commodity).
  • Congress as Culprit: How Lawmakers Spurred on the Courtroom's Anti-Congress Cause, 51 Duke Fifty.J. 435 (2001) (symposium article).
  • Congressional Factfinding and the Telescopic of Judicial Review: A Preliminary Analysis, fifty Knuckles Fifty.J. 1169 (2001) (symposium article).
  • Social Meaning and School Vouchers, 42 Wm. & Mary 50. Rev. 919 (2001) (symposium commodity).
  • Abdication by Another Name: An Ode to Lou Fisher, nineteen St. Louis U. Pub. L. Rev. 65 (2000) (symposium article).
  • Request the Right Questions: How the Courts Honored the Separation of Powers by Reconsidering Miranda, 149 U. Pa. Fifty. Rev. 251 (2000) (point/counterpoint).
  • How Ramble Law Casebooks Perpetuate the Myth of Judicial Supremacy, iii Light-green Pocketbook 259 (2000) (colloquy).
  • On Casebooks and Canons or Why Bob Jones University Will Never Be Part of the Constitutional Law Catechism, 17 Const. Comment. 285 (2000) (symposium article).
  • Reanimator: Mark Tushnet and the 2d Coming of the Imperial Presidency, 34 U. Rich. Fifty. Rev. 359 (2000) (symposium article).
  • The Consequences of Department of Justice Command of Litigation Authority on Agency Programs, 52 Admin. L. Rev. 1345 (2000) (with Michael Herz) (symposium commodity).
  • The Concluding Word Debate Revisited, in The Constitutionalism of Louis Fisher (Robert Spitzer ed., SUNY Press 2000).
  • Begetting False Witness: The Clinton Impeachment and the Future of Bookish Freedom, 148 U. Pa. L. Rev. 165 (1999).
  • I Dear You Big Brother, 87 Cal. Fifty. Rev. 1283 (1999) (reviewing Malcolm M. Feeley & Edward L. Rubin, Judicial Policy Making and the Mod State (1998)) (book review).
  • Reflections on Coercing Privacy, 40 Wm. & Mary L. Rev. 795 (1999) (symposium article).
  • The Republic-Forcing Constitution, 97 Mich. Fifty. Rev. 1971 (1999) (reviewing Cass R. Sunstein, One Example at a Time (1999)) (book review).
  • Foreward: Government Lawyering, 61 Law & Contemp. Probs. 1 (1998) (symposium article).
  • How Non to Challenge the Court, 39 Wm. & Mary L. Rev. 645 (1998) (symposium article).
  • Judicial Exclusivity and Political Instability, 84 Va. L. Rev. 83 (1998) (with Louis Fisher) (essay).
  • The Battle that Never Was: Congress, The White Business firm, and Bureau Litigation Authorization, 61 Law & Contemp. Probs. 205 (1998) (with Michael Herz) (symposium article).
  • The Judicial Role in Equality, in Redefining Equality (Neal Devns & Davison Douglas eds., 1998).
  • The Pursuit of Equality, in Redefining Equality (Oxford U. Printing 1998) (with Davison Douglas).
  • A Loss of Control, 84 A.B.A. J. 26 (1998).
  • In Search of the Lost Chord: Reflections on the 1996 Particular Veto Human action, 47 Case Due west. Res. L. Rev. 1605 (1997) (symposium article).
  • The Interactive Constitution: An Essay on Clothing Emperors and Searching for Constitutional Truth, 85 Geo. L.J. 691 (1997) (reviewing Louis Michael Seidman & Mark 5. Tushnet, Remnants of Belief (1996)) (book review).
  • The Triumph of Timing: Raines v. Byrd and the Modern Supreme Court'due south Attempt to Control Ramble Confrontations, 86 Geo. L.J. 351 (1997) (with Michael A. Fitts).
  • Adarand Constructors, Inc. v. Pena and the Continuing Irrelevance of Supreme Court Affirmative Activity Decisions, 37 Wm. & Mary L. Rev. 673 (1996) (essay).
  • Congressional-Executive Data Access Disputes: A Modest Proposal -- Do Nothing, 48 Admin. L. Rev. 109 (1996) (symposium article).
  • Government Lawyers and the New Deal, 96 Colum. L. Rev. 237 (1996) (reviewing William E. Leuchtenburg, The Supreme Court Reborn (1995)) (book review).
  • The Countermajoritarian Paradox, 93 Mich. 50. Rev. 1433 (1995) (reviewing David J. Garrow, Liberty and Sexuality (1994)) (book review).
  • Toward an Understanding of Legal Policymaking at Independent Agencies, in Authorities Lawyers (Cornell W. Clayton ed., U. Press of Kansas 1995).
  • Interest Balancing and Judicially Managed Equal Educational Opportunity, 45 Mercer L. Rev. 1017 (1994) (symposium article).
  • Tempest in an Envelope: Reflections on the Bush White House'south Failed Takeover of the U.S. Postal Service, 41 UCLA L. Rev. 1035 (1994).
  • Through the Looking Glass: What Abortion Teaches Us Near American Politics, 94 Colum. L. Rev. 293 (1994) (reviewing Barbara Hinkson Craig & David K. O'Brien, Abortion and American Politics (1993)) (volume review).
  • Unitariness and Independence: Solicitor General Control Over Contained Agency Litigation, 82 Cal. L. Rev. 255 (1994).
  • Committee Leadership and Statutory Interpretation, 45 Admin. 50. Rev. 239 (1993) (with Larry Evans & Jarrell Wright).
  • Congress, the FCC, and the Search for the Public Trustee, 56 Police force & Contemp. Probs. 145 (1993) (symposium article).
  • Congressional Procedure and Statutory Estimation, 44 Administrative Law Review (1993) (with C Lawrence Evans & J. Wright).
  • Political Will and the Unitary Executive: What Makes an Independent Agency Contained?, 15 Cardozo Fifty. Rev. 273 (1993) (symposium article).
  • Reagan Redux: Ceremonious Rights Nether Bush, 68 Notre Dame 50. Rev. 955 (1993) (symposium article).
  • Foreward: Elected Co-operative Influences in Constitutional Decisionmaking, 4 Law & Contemp. Probs. one (1993) (symposium article).
  • Fundamentalist Christian Educators 5. Country: An Inevitable Compromise, 60 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 818 (1992) (symposium article).
  • A Symbolic Balanced Budget Subpoena , ix J.L. & Politician. 61 (1992) (symposium commodity).
  • Correspondence: The Stuff of Constitutional Law, 77 Iowa L. Rev. 1795 (1992).
  • Groups Versus Individuals, 1992 Pub. Int. L. Rev. 115 (1992) (reviewing Herman Belz, Equality Transformed: A Quarter Century of Affirmative Action (1991)) (volume review).
  • Judicial Matters, 80 Cal. 50. Rev. 1027 (1992) (reviewing Gerald N. Rosenberg, The Hollow Hope: Can Courts Bring About Social Change? (1991)) (essay review).
  • Where's the Politics?, 34 Wm. & Mary L. Rev. 1 (1992) (symposium article).
  • The Civil Rights Hydra, 89 Mich. L. Rev. 1723 (1991) (reviewing Hugh Davis Graham, The Civil Rights Era (1990)) (essay review).
  • The Rhetoric of Equality, 44 Vand. L. Rev. fifteen (1991).
  • Metro Broadcasting v. F.C.C.: Requiem for a Heavyweight, 69 Tex. Fifty. Rev 125 (1990).
  • Upkeep Reform and the Balance of Powers, 31 Wm. & Mary L. Rev. 993 (1990).
  • Affirmative Activity Later Reagan, 68 Tex. Fifty. Rev. 353 (1989).
  • Private Schools and Public Values, in Public Values, Private Schools (Falmer Printing 1989).
  • Appropriations Redux: A Critical Look at the Fiscal Year 1988 Standing Resolution, 1988 Duke L.J. 389 (1988) (symposium article).
  • Gender Justice and Its Critics, 76 Cal. 50. Rev. 1377 (1988) (essay review).
  • Judicial Vigilantism: Inherent Judicial Authorization to Appoint Antipathy Prosecutors in Immature five. United States ex rel Vuitton Et Fils. S.A., 76 Ky. L.J. 861 (1988) (with Steven Mulroy).
  • The Constitution Between Friends, 67 Tex. L. Rev. 213 (1988) (essay review).
  • Averting Government by Consent Decree: Constitutional Limits on the Enforcement of Settlements with the Federal Government, 40 Stan. 50. Rev 203 (1987) (with Jeremy Rabkin).
  • Centralization in Didactics: Why Johnny Tin can't Spell Bureaucracy, 75 Cal. Fifty. Rev. 759 (1987) (essay review).
  • The Regulation of Regime Agencies through Appropriation Riders, 1987 Duke Fifty.J. 456 (1987) (symposium commodity).
  • 54 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 661 (1986) (reviewing John Agresto, The Supreme Court and Constitutional Democracy (1984)) (book review).
  • Defining Effective Ceremonious Rights Enforcement in Education, 86 Colum. L. Rev. 1093 (book review).
  • Home Instruction, in Schoolhouse Law Update (Tom Jones ed., NOLPE 1986).
  • How Successfully Can us' Item Veto be Transferred to the President?, 76 Geo. L.J. 159 (1986) (with Louis Fisher).
  • Nebraska and the Future of Land Regulation of Christian Schools, in Authorities Intervention in Religious Affairs (Dean Kelly ed., Pilgrim Press 1986).
  • On the Limits of Court-ordered Social Change: A Critical Look at Dimond's Across Busing, 1986 Am. B. Plant. Res. J. 559 (1986) (essay review).
  • 11 Hastings Const. Fifty.Q., 505 (reviewing John W. Whitehead, The Second American Revolution (David C. Melt, Publ'grand Co. 1982) (book review).
  • A Constitutional Right to Dwelling house Educational activity?, 62 Wash. U. L.Q. 435 (1985).
  • Religious Symbols and the Establishment Clause, 27 J. Church building & St. nineteen (1985).
  • The State and the Christian Solar day School, in Faith and the State: Essays In Accolade of Leo Pfeffer (James Due east. Forest ed., Baylor U. Press 1985) (with James C. Cynic).
  • The Trouble with Jaycees , 34 Cath.U. Fifty. Rev. 901 (1985).
  • A Political Analysis of Bob Jones University 5. U.South., ane J.L. & Politician. 403 (1984).
  • New Federalism in Education: The Pregnant of Chicago School Desegregation, 59 Notre Dame 50. Rev. 1243 (1984) (with James B. Stedman) (symposium article).
  • Schoolhouse Desegregation Law in the 1980'south: The Court's Abandonment of Brownish v. Board of Instruction, 26 Wm. & Mary 50. Rev. seven (1984).
  • Standing and Adverseness on the Upshot of Tax Exemptions for Discriminatory Private Schools, 52 Fordham L. Rev. 441 (1984) (with Thomas McCoy).
  • Integration and Local Politics, 73 Pub. Int. 175 (1983) (essay review).
  • State Regulation of Christian Schools, 10 J. Legis. 351 (1983).
  • Tax Exemptions for Racially Discriminatory Private School: A Legislative Proposal, xx Harv. J. on Legis. 153 (1983).
  • Tax Policy Analysis of Bob Jones University v. U.S., 36 Vand. L. Rev. 1353 (1983) (with Charles O. Galvin).
  • Inconsistent Standards of Review in Last Term'due south Establishment Clause Cases, 1983 Nat'l L.J. 22 (1983).
  • What Trump Must Acquire From Truman, N.Y. Daily News, Jan. 9, 2019 (op-ed). Online.
  • The Subconscious Silver Lining if Kavanaugh is Confirmed, Washington Post, October. five, 2018 (with Lawrence Baum).
  • The Federalist Society Majority, Slate, July half dozen, 2018 (with Lawrence Baum) (op-ed). Online.
  • Strike Downwards Obamacare, Says DOJ, Wall Street Journal, June 13, 2018 (with Sai Prakash) (op-ed). Online.
  • The Federalist Society Majority, Wall Street Journal, June xiii, 2018 (with Sai Prakash).
  • Federalist Court: How the Federalist Society became the de facto selector of Republican Supreme Courtroom justices, Slate.com, January. 31, 2017 (with Lawrence Baum) (op-ed). Online.
  • Legal scholarship highlight: The Amicus Auto, SCOTUSblog (2016) (with Allison Orr Larsen). Online.
  • Can a state's chaser general pick and choose which laws to defend?, Los Angels Times, Apr. eighteen, 2016 (with Saikrishna Prakash) (op-ed). Online.
  • Ideological Imbalance: Why Democrats usually pick moderate-liberal justices and Republicans commonly pick conservative ones, Slate, Mar. 17, 2016 (with Lawrence Baum) (op-ed). Online.
  • Counsel Rests, Slate, Jan. 14, 2014. Online.
  • Commentary on matrimony grants: Commodity III & same-sex activity matrimony, SCOTUSblog (2012) (with Tara Leigh Grove). Online.
  • Split Definitive, Slate, Nov. 11, 2011 (with Lawrence Baum). Online.
  • Congressional Responses to Supreme Court Decisions, in Encyclopedia of the Supreme Court (Mark Graber et al. eds., Gale MacMillan 2008).
  • Bob Jones University v. U.S., in Encyclopedia of American Civil Liberty (Routledge Printing 2006).
  • Zelman five. Sommers-Harris, in Oxford Companion to the Supreme Courtroom of the Us 1115 (Kermit Hall ed., Oxford U. Printing 2005).
  • Working With Congress: The Warren-Rehnquist Courtroom Connection, Bull. Am. Acad. Arts & Sci. (Summer 2004, at 15 (symposium article).
  • What Brown Teaches U.s.a. Virtually the Rehnquist Court's Federalism Revival, PS: Pol. Sci. & Pol., April. 2004, at 211.
  • Bob Jones University v. United States, in Religion and American Law: An Encyclopedia (2000).
  • Land Regulation of Religious Education, in Faith and American Law: An Encyclopedia (Paul Finkelman ed., Garland 2000).
  • William Jefferson Clinton, in Encyclopedia of the American Constitution (Leonard Levy et al. eds., Macmillan 2000).
  • Sign Them Upwards, The Legal Times, July 24, 2000, at 62 (with John McGinnis).
  • Don't Rush the Court, N.Y. Times, February. xvi, 1998, at A15 (with Michael Fitts).
  • The Last Give-and-take Fence, A.B.A. J., October. 1997, at 46, reprinted in The Supreme Court and It'southward Justices (J. Choper ed., A.B.A. 2001).
  • 1991 Civil Rights Deed, in Encyclopedia of the American Presidency (Leonard Levy & Louis Fisher eds., Simon & Schuster 1993).
  • Affirmative Action, in Encyclopedia of the American Presidency (Leonard Levy & Louis Fisher eds., Simon & Schuster 1993).
  • Cribbing Riders, in Encyclopedia of the American Presidency (Leonard Levy & Louis Fisher eds., Simon & Schuster 1993).
  • Standing Resolutions, in Encyclopedia of the American Presidency (Leonard Levy & Louis Fisher eds., Simon & Schuster 1993).
  • Philadelphia Programme, in Encyclopedia of the American Presidency (Leonard Levy & Louis Fisher eds., Simon & Schuster 1993).
  • Lessons of Founding Fatherhood, Chi. Tri., Nov. 16, 1991, at C21.
  • The Civil Rights Committee, Wall St. J., October. nineteen, 1990, at A14.
  • Don't Write Off the Reagan Social Agenda, A.B.A. J., February. 1987, at 42.
  • Constitutional Rights Without Remedies: Judicial Review of Underinclusive Legislation, Judicature, Oct.-Nov., 1986, at 151 (with Bruce Miller).
  • A Welcome Retreat from Government past Consent Prescript, Wall St. J., Apr. 10, 1986, at 32 (with Jeremy Rabkin).
  • Reading the Establishment Clause, Commonweal., Sept. 20, 1985, at 492 (with Benjamin Feder).
  • Can A Unitary District Choose Neighborhood Schools?, Educ. Wk., May 15, 1985, at 17 (commentary).
  • Federal Courts are Condign Reluctant to Take the Lead in Civil-Rights Reform, Chron. Higher Educ., Nov. 28, 1984, at 88.
  • Northward.H. Bar's Residency Requirement Faces a Constitutional Challenge, Nat'l L.J., November. 12, 1984, at 24.
  • Seniority Rights 5. Racial Quotas, Christian Sci. Monitor, Aug. 22, 1984, at 14.
  • The Supreme Courtroom and Individual Schools: An Update, This World , Apr. 1984, at thirteen.
  • Who'south to Arraign for Judicial Activism?, Wall St. J., Apr. 17, 1984, at 34.
  • Closing the Classroom Door on Civil Rights, Hum. Rts. , Jan. 1984, at 26.
  • Plagiarism at Princeton: An Academic Judgment or a Disciplinary Procedure, Lex Collegi, Winter , 1983, at i.
  • Did the High Court Go Too Far to Make a Politically Popular Ruling, Nat'l L.J., June 20, 1983, at 13.
  • The Injustice of the Death Penalty, Christian Sci. Monitor, Apr. xx, 1983, at 23 (with Roy Herron), reprinted in Readings in Argument (J. Fahnestock & M. Secor eds., Random Firm 1985).
  • Fundamentalist Schools v. The Regulators, Wall St. J., Apr. xiv, 1983, at 28.
  • How Secular is Georgetown University?, Launder. Mail, Sept. 12, 1982, at B8.

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