Where to Learn the Acheronian Pick Conan Exiles

Acheronian Pick
Acheronian Pick
A pickaxe made in the Acheronian style
Type Tool
Grade High
Weapon Type OneHanded Pickaxe
Base Damage Information.png 8
Harvesting Power 14
Base Durability Information.png 437
Base Weight Information.png 5.04
ID 51978
Acheronian Tools
Acheronian Tools
Level 60 Cost 13
Icon hardened steel pickaxe.png Icon Blank.png Icon Blank.png
Icon acheron pickaxe.png Acheronian Pick
A pickaxe made in the Acheronian style
Crafted at Any blacksmith's bench
Icon acheron sickle.png Acheronian Sickle
A sickle made in the Acheronian style
Crafted at Any blacksmith's bench

Description [ ]

" I know him not,' he answered. 'He is mad to say I hired him. Let him take his just desserts. He has a strong back and the toil in the mines will be well for him.
~ The God in the Bowl

The pick is one of the simplest tools known to man. Used extensively in mines across Hyboria to split rocks and, if necessary, split heads. Created in the fires at the burning heart of the forge and wrought in ornate patterns as it cooled, this pick is strong and durable. It almost seems a shame to waste it on rocks.

Notes [ ]

  • Each swing of this pick collects 7-8 Icon stone-1.png Stones and costs 1 durability. Hitting something that is not minable does not cost durability.
  • Swinging the pick does not cost Stamina, but continuously swinging it will prevent stamina regeneration.
  • There are six tiers to this tool, in terms of Harvesting Power:
    • Icon pickaxe-1.png Stone Pick
    • Icon iron pickaxe.png Iron Pick
    • Icon steel pickaxe.png Steel Pick
    • Icon hardened steel pickaxe.png Hardened Steel Pick
    • Icon star metal pickaxe.png Star Metal Pick, Icon acheron pickaxe.png Acheronian Pick, Icon black ice cimmerian steel pick.png Black Ice Pick
    • Icon obsidian pick.png Obsidian Pick, Icon legendary blackblood pick2.png Black Blood Pick
  • This gathers at the same rate as the Icon star metal pickaxe.png Star Metal Pick, but has significantly lower durability. Its only advantage over Star Metal Tools is that it can be repaired using a Icon hardened steel bar.png Hardened Steel Bar instead of the much rarer Icon starmetal bar.png Star Metal Bar.
  • The Icon multi tool.png Pickaxe (comparable to Steel Pick) and Icon multitool starmetal.png Star Metal Pickaxe (comparable to Star Metal Pick) are not direct upgrades of this item,
    but serve the purpose of both a pick and a hatchet.

Source [ ]

Created from the following Recipes Information.png
Blacksmith's Bench, Improved Blacksmith's Bench,
Campaign Blacksmith's Bench, Garrison Blacksmith's Bench
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
4 Icon ingredient plank.png Shaped Wood
30 Icon hardened steel bar.png Hardened Steel Bar
10 Icon alchemical base.png Alchemical Base
1 Icon acheron pickaxe.png Acheronian Pick 20 s 2380

Repair [ ]

Repairing Acheronian Pick requires up to:

  • 3 Icon ingredient plank.png Shaped Wood
  • 23 Icon hardened steel bar.png Hardened Steel Bar

Harvesting Power of all Tools [ ]

The following is a list of tools by type with their respective harvesting power.

Tool Sets
Tool Set Picks Hatchets Cleavers Sickles Skinning Knives Pickaxes
Stone 6 Icon pickaxe-1.png Stone Pick 6 Icon stone hatchet-1.png Stone Hatchet 6 Icon cleaver primal.png Stone Cleaver - 6 Icon skinning dagger stone.png Stone Skinning Knife -
Iron 8 Icon iron pickaxe.png Iron Pick 8 Icon iron hatchet.png Iron Hatchet 8 Icon cleaver iron.png Iron Cleaver 8 Icon iron sickle.png Iron Sickle 8 Icon skinning dagger iron.png Iron Skinning Knife -
Steel 10 Icon steel pickaxe.png Steel Pick 10 Icon steel hatchet.png Steel Hatchet 10 Icon cleaver steel.png Steel Cleaver 10 Icon steel sickle.png Steel Sickle 10 Icon skinning dagger steel.png Steel Skinning Knife 10 Icon multi tool.png Pickaxe
Hardened Steel 12 Icon hardened steel pickaxe.png Hardened Steel Pick 12 Icon hardened steel axe.png Hardened Steel Hatchet 12 Icon cleaver hardened steel.png Hardened Steel Cleaver 12 Icon hardened steel sickle.png Hardened Steel Sickle 12 Icon skinning dagger hardened steel.png Hardened Steel Skinning Knife -
Acheronian 14 Icon acheron pickaxe.png Acheronian Pick - - 14 Icon acheron sickle.png Acheronian Sickle - -
Star Metal 14 Icon star metal pickaxe.png Star Metal Pick 14 Icon star metal axe.png Star Metal Hatchet 14 Icon cleaver starmetal.png Star Metal Cleaver 14 Icon star metal sickle.png Star Metal Sickle 14 Icon skinning dagger starmetal.png Star Metal Skinning Knife 14 Icon multitool starmetal.png Star Metal Pickaxe
Eldarium 16 Icon eldarium pickaxe.png  Eldarium Pick 16 Icon eldarium hatchet.png  Eldarium Hatchet 16 Icon eldarium cleaver.png  Eldarium Cleaver 16 Icon eldarium sickle.png  Eldarium Sickle - 16 Icon eldarium multitool.png  Eldarium Pick-axe
Obsidian 16 Icon obsidian pick.png Obsidian Pick 16 Icon obsidian axe.png Obsidian Hatchet - 16 Icon obsidian sickle.png Obsidian Sickle 16 Icon skinning dagger obsidian.png Obsidian Skinning Knife -
Black Blood 16 Icon legendary blackblood pick2.png Black Blood Pick 16 Icon legendary 1h blackblood axe.png Black Blood Hatchet - 16 Icon legendary blackblood sickle.png Black Blood Sickle 16 Icon legendary Skinning dagger blackblood.png Black Blood Skinning Knife -
No Set 14 Icon black ice cimmerian steel pick.png Black Ice Pick - 10 Icon gordscleaver.png Chef's Trusted Cleaver
12 Icon cleaver hardened steel.png Reliable Butcher
16 Icon cleaver primal.png Maw of the Hyena
- 8 Icon skinning dagger stone.png Bleached Bone Skinning Knife
10 Icon skinning dagger serpentmen.png Serpent-Man Skinning Knife
21 Icon multi tool.png  The Pecker

Each tool has a harvesting power associated with it, which signifies how good it is at gathering resources. The formula can be found at Resources. Fists have a harvesting power of Zero.

Where to Learn the Acheronian Pick Conan Exiles

Source: https://conanexiles.fandom.com/wiki/Acheronian_Pick

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